Working Day

19 may, 2010 19:48

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting to discuss customs legislation

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin chairs a meeting to discuss customs legislation
“We must do this in such a way so as to make it easy and convenient for member states to take advantage of the benefits of the Customs Union.”
Vladimir Putin
At a meeting to discuss customs legislation

Vladimir Putin's opening address:

Let's talk about customs regulations. I hope that we will arrive at concrete solutions, just as we did at our previous meeting when we discussed problems in road construction.

The prime ministers of the three Customs Union member states will meet on Friday. This meeting should finally resolve all issues regarding the introduction of a single customs code and the establishment of the common customs area.

We will have to make serious changes to our country's legislation. First of all, we will have to finalise a new law on customs regulations in the Russian Federation.

As you know, business is always very wary of innovations in this area. Business leaders expressed their concerns on this issue when I met with the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP). I'd like you to be very attentive to these concerns.

The new customs legislation must meet the following criteria:

First, it should be fully harmonised with the provisions of the Customs Union. There should be no discrepancies that could create problems for specific companies, not even minor ones.

Second, we should not take a step back and undo the positive changes that we have achieved while reforming Russian customs procedures and bringing them into compliance with WTO rules.

Third, the new legislation should be thoroughly discussed with experts and representatives of the business community.

Integration is designed to create new opportunities rather than make our positions worse. It should help business grow and increase mutual trade. And we must do this in such a way so as to make it easy and convenient for member states to take advantage of the benefits of the Customs Union.

Let's start the discussion. I'd like to emphasise once again that our meeting today is taking place before the upcoming summit of the prime ministers and after my recent meeting with representatives of the business community, who voiced certain concerns.

Let's discuss.